Areeva Cosmetic Clinic Best Cosmetic Surgery n Hair Transplant in Navi Mumbai


Facelift Surgery in Mumbai

Facelifts, also known as rhytidectomy, is sometimes required to correct sagging facial skin. There are many different techniques used to accomplish a facelift. We cannot stress enough the importance of choosing a real board-certified plastic surgeon who is a true expert and who specializes in facial rejuvenation when considering a facelift. The loss of youthful contours in the face can be due to variety of factors, including thinning of the skin, loss of facial fat, gravity, sun damage, smoking, as well as heredity and stress. Facial rejuvenation is so much more than just a facelift, and when done correctly, facial rejuvenation focuses on facial harmony. To maintain facial harmony, often facelifts are accompanied with eyelid surgery and filler to restore the eyes, bring back the natural jawline and reestablish fullness in your cheeks.


Thread lifting is a procedure that works to tackle sags and folds. The procedure is becoming more popular than ever before as demand grows for skin care where less is more. Hailed as a solution for both women and men that side-steps the commitment and healing time required for a face lift, invisible fine threads placed in the skin can get to places on faces other procedures cannot reach.

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